


Wrapper around vanilla combineReducers() from redux package. Adds support for Controller class instances in place of regular reducer functions. Each instance encountered is replaced with the result of Controller.reducer() call. The instance is then saved under controllers key of the returned function. controllers is passed up the chain and is intended to be used by the createStore().


Container(WrappedComponent, …mappings)

Connects a React component to a Redux store. Additionally to regular connect() method Container supports an extensive mapping functionality designed to work nice with Controllers.

Container is capable of mapping any part of a Redux state tree to the props of the wrapped component. When mapping parts of the tree managed by controllers, Container calls Controller.$ method to select the data, thus calling any selector methods defined on the Controller level.

If mapping the path exactly equal to Controller.mountPathString, dispatch functions are also mapped by default.

The list of mapping options:

Mapping Description Result
"path.*" Map all sub-keys at path to props. path.key1 to props.key1
path.key2 to props.key2 ...
{ "path": "*" } Same as "path.*"
"path.key" Map the path to the prop that equal to the last key in the path. path.key to props.key
{ "path.key": "remapKey" } Map the path to the prop that is explicitly specified. path.key to props.remapKey
"path.dispatch*" Only map dispatch functions of the controller to props. path.dispatchFunc1 to props.func1
path.dispatchFunc2 to props.func2 ...
{ "path.dispatch*": "*" } Same as "path.dispatch*"
{ "path.dispatch*": "funcs"} Map all dispatch functions of the controller to the specified prop. path.dispatchFunc1 to props.funcs.func1
auth.dispatchFunc2 to props.funcs.func2 ...
"*" Only map state managed by the controller to props (no dispatches).
"path.$" Same as "*"
{ "*": "*" } Same as "*"
{ "*": "keys" } Only map state managed by the controller to props (no dispatches). path.key1 to props.keys.key1
path.key2 to props.keys.key2 ...
{ "path": (nextProps, value) => { ... } } Provide custom AssignerFunction to map value to the nextProps. nextProps object should be modified in place. Function is not expected to return anything.
Name Type Attributes Description
WrappedComponent React.Component

Component to connect.

mappings string | Object.<string, (string|AssignerFunction)> <repeatable>

Any amount of mappings that should be applied when connecting Redux store to the component.


Wrapper around vanilla createStore() from redux package. Creates the regular Redux store and extends it with getController() function.


Type Definitions

AssignerFunction(nextProps, value)

Can be used in Container to add adjustment to default remapping logic.

Name Type Description

Dictionary of properties that wrapped component is about to get. This object should be modified in place. It doesn't include value


Value obtained from the specific mapping.

Container(MyComponent, {
  'books': (nextProps, books) => { = foo.books[nextProps.bookId]
    // Nothing else from books will be mapped
    // MyComponent will receive both book and bookId in props